On the Federal Trade Commission's list of Top Consumer Complaints identity theft has been the number one complaint for nine years running and nearly one fifth of all complaints in 2010 were for identity theft.
On the Federal Trade Commission's list of Top Consumer Complaints identity theft has been the number one complaint for nine years running and nearly one fifth of all complaints in 2010 were for identity theft.
The number of identity theft victims in the United States fell by 28 percent from 2009, but there were still 8.1 million adult victims. The FTC tallied 250,854 consumer complaints regarding identity theft in 2010. Identify theft has been the top consumer complaint reported to the FTC for nine consecutive years.
FTC 2010 Consumer Complaints - Identity theft tops the list again
2011 Identity Fraud Survey Report - By: Javelin Strategy & Research
Identity Theft Assisitance Center - ITAC research and statistics
Provides participants foundation level knowledge about the theories, best practices and terminology surrounding electronic payment fraud. Presented in a standard format covering the history of eCommerce Fraud, consumer fraud, merchant fraud, fraudster motivation, fraud trends, identity verification and phishing.
This session covers what constitutes a fraud solution and categorizes the many types of third party fraud tools. The course outlines the common terminology of fraud solutions and describes the capabilities needed to implement a fraud solution.
Identity Theft affected 8.1 million adults in 2010, a decline of 28 percent from 2009. It has also cost the victims an average of $631 in out-of-pocket expenses and 33 hours to resolve the damage caused by the stolen identity.
"Your credit card information is just as vulnerable in a restaurant as it is on the internet" - Howard Beales, FTC
According to the Federal Trade Commission, one in every six americans was a victim of identity theft in 2008 and for nine years straight Identity Theft has topped the FTC Consumer complaint list.
Every 79 seconds, a thief steals someone's identity, opens accounts in the victim's name and goes on a buying spree. -
Javelin Strategy & Research 2008
For more information and resources on Protecting Yourself please visit: Protecting Yourself and Reporting Identity Theft
For more information on Identity Theft Protection Services please visit: Identity Theft Protection Services
Identity Theft Statistics
Cost - $50 billion a year to global business (source: FTC)
9 Years Running as the Top FTC Consumer complaint, in 2010
Identity Theft comprised 19% of total consumer complaints (source: FTC)
3.5% of the total U.S. population fell victim to identity fraud in 2010 (source: Javelin Strategy & Research)
8.1 million adults had some type of identity theft crime committed against them in 2010 (source: Javelin Strategy & Research)
In 2010 victims averaged $631 in out-of-pocket expenses and 33 hours of time to resolve the problems caused by identity theft (source: Javelin Strategy & Research)
2008 reversed a four-year incidence trend of decreasing fraud and continued to increase in 2009, but in 2010 identity theft decreased 28 percent from the previous year (source: Javelin Strategy & Research)
In 2010 14% of identity fraud crimes were committed by someone the victim knows (source: Javelin Strategy & Research)
There has been increased attempts at identity theft over the telephone ("vishing") and via text messages (SMiShing). In this scam, the fraudsters trick the consumer to provide their personal or financial information over the telephone, or by going to a link in a text message.
One child in every classroom is already a victim of Identity
Theft (source: Debix)
The children who are victimized average $12,799 in fradulent debt (source: Debix)
12% of children who became victims were 5 years old or younger (source: Debix)