Winning Brand Loyal Customers.
Now more than ever, merchants need to focus on how they can keep customers coming back to their website. Focusing on increasing repeat business will increase efficiency and create long lasting relationships with brand loyal consumers. Here’s 7 ideas to help increase sales conversion through getting consumers to return to your website.

Winning Brand Loyal Customers.
Now more than ever, merchants need to focus on how they can keep customers coming back to their website. Focusing on increasing repeat business will increase efficiency and create long lasting relationships with brand loyal consumers. Here’s 7 ideas to help increase sales conversion through getting consumers to return to your website.
Converting First Time Visitors With Coupons - Linda Bustos, Get Elastic Blog
If Not Sales, What is Social Media Good For? - Paul Chaney, Practical eCommerce
Covers the fundamentals on effective practices for optimizing sales conversion on a website to include common pittfalls from implementing poor payment options and fraud screening procedures.
Covers the credit card process flow defining each of the "payment players" and reviews payment concepts such as authorizations, settlements, reversals, chargebacks and the credit card association's high risk programs.
Provides participants foundation level knowledge about the theories, best practices and terminology surrounding electronic payment fraud. Presented in a standard format covering the history of eCommerce Fraud, consumer fraud, merchant fraud, fraudster motivation, fraud trends, identity verification and phishing.
In today's economy, small to large organizations are being forced to try and do more with less. What these businesses don't realize is that there are several simple, cheap and easy ways to increase customer loyalty to a particular brand. Recent developments and news articles illustrate ways that various organizations from different types of verticals have benefitted from simple methods and techniques. Your company may be able to gain some loyal customers and improve your bottom line from these methods listed below.
1) Coupons really do work. According to an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive, 67% of those surveyed believed that coupons can help promote customer loyalty. Furthermore, 3 out of 4 online shoppers are more inclined to visit a site again that offers coupons.
2) The promotion of alternative payment services such as PayPal and Bill Me Later can also help promote customer loyalty. According to the e-commerce times, on average, 21% of PayPal shoppers at established merchants would not have completed the purchase if PayPal was not offered.
3) Fully incorporate social media into your marketing strategy to help develop personal relationships with consumers. Social media users are 83% more likely to be loyal customers.
4) Limit the amount of clicks to complete the sale. Express Checkout conversion rates are 23% higher than standard checkout at some of today’s largest online retailers.
5) Follow-up on your shopping cart abandoners… For example, Forrester Research found that by combining two follow-up emails an organization can capture up to 46% of the consumers that abandoned. Although this is traditionally hard to do it can be very effective at improving your bottom line.
6) More big winners mean more happy customers… Nothing beats the thrill of winning large amounts of money at a casino or online gambling site. While most websites aren’t in the gambling sector an important lesson of turning your customers into celebrities can provide great marketing opportunities to highlight important company milestones. For example, when Apple sold its one billionth app they praised their customer and showered him with a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod touch, a Time Capsule and a MacBook Pro.
7) Display your security precautions. Always illustrate your efforts to combat transaction fraud and protect your consumers’ personal identifiable information.